Crisis Alert: Uganda - Emergency Support

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Human Trafficking is not a new issue. It has persisted forever and is rapidly expanding. Sisters everywhere are aware of human trafficking and how and where it occurs in their countries. However it has grown into a billion-dollar industry which is why they need your help. Below are examples of how they are protecting those vulnerable to trafficking:
- Stopped 1600 rural women from being trafficked by training them in trades.
- Converted a city infested with gang violence to a city of hope where the villagers did not need to flee their homes. 70% of migrants are trafficked.
- Empowered 500 women in micro-enterprise giving them the ability to be self-sustaining.
- Improved educational experience for children from the slums giving them security from traffickers.
- Created awareness campaigns for local communities on Human Trafficking.
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- Mother Teresa
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Crisis Alert: Uganda – Emergency Support for Orphans and Militant Attack Survivors
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India: Gracy’s Journey to Dignity Through Skills-Based Training
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