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Impact Update: Sr. Olivia Umoh’s Fight Against Human Trafficking

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you and the tireless work of Sr. Olivia Umoh, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi, has transformed the lives of countless vulnerable girls in Ghana. These young women, many of whom migrated from the Upper East Region of Ghana to Kumasi in search of a better life, were once homeless, exploited as “kayayo” girls carrying heavy loads for little pay, and at high risk of human trafficking. Today, thanks to your support, their futures are brighter, safer, and filled with hope.

Sr. Olivia and her team at Safe-Child Advocacy (SCA) have spent years working to liberate these girls from the cycle of exploitation. Initially focused on supporting children, youth, and families in street situations through education, skills training, and shelter, SCA has expanded its mission over the last eight years to include anti-human trafficking efforts.

Rescue, Shelter, and Support 

Sr. Olivia's Safe-Child Advocacy in fight against human trafficking

Through your donations, SCA rescues girls from the streets and trafficking situations, providing them with safe shelter and vital resources. The shelter creates a secure environment, free from harassment and exploitation, where survivors can start their journey to recovery. For instance, one powerful example is Chika, a 12-year-old girl rescued from traffickers by the police. When she arrived at SCA, Chika felt so traumatized that she couldn’t speak or remember her name. With the compassionate care of Sr. Olivia and her team, Chika slowly regained her voice and identity. Within a month, she remembered her name, family, and village. Partner organizations in Nigeria helped reunite Chika with her family, and she continued receiving professional psychosocial support to aid her healing.

Healing Through Faith and Community 

Your contributions also fund individual and group counseling sessions, where survivors share their stories, reflect on their experiences, and engage in healing. In particular, group sessions are enriched with stories of women in scripture, helping the girls find strength in shared experiences and empowering them to reclaim their dignity. This faith-based approach gives the young women a space to process their trauma and rebuild their confidence, preparing them to reintegrate into society.

Reintegration and Advocacy 

Reintegration is a critical part of SCA’s work, and thanks to your donations, survivors are not only returning to their families and communities but are also being equipped with livelihood skills to ensure their long-term independence. Many of the young women who have been reintegrated now serve as mentors to other girls at risk, becoming advocates against exploitation and human trafficking in their own right.

Sr. Olivia helps human trafficking survivors become advocates

SCA’s impact extends beyond individual rescues. With your help, Sr. Olivia has been able to coordinate the Ghana network of Talitha Kum, an international organization of consecrated persons committed to fighting human trafficking. This network, which includes over 30 congregations and several civil society organizations, raises awareness, advocates for systemic change, and facilitates the reintegration of trafficking survivors. SCA also collaborates with governmental bodies, such as the Anti-Trafficking Unit of the Ghana Police and the Ministry of Gender, Women, and Social Protection, as well as international organizations like the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

A Global Effort 

Since January 2024, SCA has provided critical support to nearly 80 victims of human trafficking and 10 people on the move. Sr. Olivia and her collaborators are committed to combating the atrocity of human trafficking, a cause Pope Francis has called “a wound in the body of humanity.” Through your continued support, they can expand their efforts and help more survivors find safety, healing, and empowerment.

Thank you for making this life-changing work possible. Together, we are not only saving lives but also restoring dignity and hope to some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals.

Learn more about this program here.

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