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Building Brighter Futures in Rural Zambia: Kalubula Primary School Celebrates Milestone

Sister Christine Mubanga shares an exciting milestone reached by her congregation’s school in remote Zambia. Thanks to the dedicated school staff and support from SRW, the Kalubula Primary School in Mutangama has once again achieved a 100% passing rate. This means every seventh grade student has qualified to enter secondary school to complete their education. 

Due to this outstanding achievement, the local Ministry of Education has asked the Sisters to establish a secondary school for their students. Currently, the nearest secondary school is 10 miles away, preventing many eligible students from attending. Young girls who drop out of school face child marriage and early pregnancies, and without a secondary education, rarely earn enough to provide for their basic needs. With a secondary school in the area, more students will complete their studies, find gainful employment, and earn enough income to break the cycle of poverty.

Kalubula Primary School opened in 2019. Then, just one Sister taught 20 students under a grass-thatched shelter in a rural area that lacked electricity. With the help of SRW, a new school building was constructed with bathrooms and showers, and equipped with solar power. Sisters began offering healthy meals to students, encouraging regular school attendance. Today, the school has almost 600 students taught by several trained teachers. A technology lab is also under construction. When completed, it will give many students their first hands-on experience with computers. 

Sr Christine also reports that the people of Mutgangama now understand the lifesaving importance of education in eliminating poverty and securing brighter futures for their children. Early pregnancy and child marriage rates have started to decline, and the entire community stands ready to support the Sisters as they build their new secondary school. She thanks SRW and all the donors who cared enough to reach out and help her community. Congratulations Sr Christine!

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