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#60 – Education and Nutritional Support for Orphan Boys in Guyana

The Situation

Although we use the word “orphanage”, we do so loosely – since our attention, care and love are not limited to abandoned or parentless boys, but ANY boy (ages 4 to 16) who is in need of a safe place to live.

We are a FAMILY providing love and supporting each other. We meet each boy’s individual need for significance, security, and strength in a way that moves them forward into life with greater confidence and a better understanding of how much God loves them.

Due to neglect in their previous environments, many of our boys do not have reading, writing, and math skills equivalent to their similarly-aged peers in the traditional school system. As such, they are provided with an education at SJB by qualified teachers who cater to their individual needs.

Sisters’ Response

Sister Julie Matthews, RSM is the Director of St. John Bosco (Boys) Orphanage and Bosco Academy a primary school for the boys. Another Sister of Mercy supervises the “homework time” sessions in the evenings, assisting some boys with their assignments and organizing activities when the boys may not have assignments from school.

Funds Needed


How Will Funds Be Used

The funds will be used to purchase school books/supplies, and to provide transportation for the High School Boys, along with lunches and tuition.

Systemic Impact

Providing basic needs for children that are less fortunate so they can live a fulfilled life

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