Donor Spotlight

Connie Bauer: Weaving a Legacy of Service

Connie Bauer first met Sister Irene O’Neill, CSJ, President of Sisters Rising Worldwide, during her time in the formation program of the Sisters of St. Joseph in St. Paul, MN. They lived together in the Novitiate where she got to know Irene well and began a 45-year friendship. “While it wasn’t a long-term lifestyle for me, those years in community were a very important part of my life, one that put a framework to how I look at the world and my spirituality,” said Connie. Her path as an occupational therapist in the Twin Cities connected her to Irene’s mother, her supervisor, who was another visionary; the apple didn’t fall far from the tree! Connie worked in hospital and community settings and taught for several years at St. Catherine University before moving to Western Montana in the early 90s where she focused on services for individuals with mental health issues.

Donor spotlight on Connie Bauer

Inspired by Sister Irene’s Vision

Describing Sister Irene as a “charismatic and creative futurist,” Connie is inspired by her visionary and unpretentious nature. Her recent experiences traveling with Sister Irene to places like Yellowstone and Alaska have strengthened their bond and shared commitment to making a global difference. This alignment of values and vision made her support of Sisters Rising Worldwide a natural fit.

“I am deeply impressed by Sisters Rising Worldwide’s practical and holistic methods,” Connie remarked, which she believes are critical for tackling complex global issues at the grassroots level. “When I talk to Irene and see what Sisters Rising Worldwide is accomplishing, it resonates with my values and training in public health. Their work addresses the root causes of issues and seeks to prevent problems before they escalate. In my 50 years working in the mental health field, especially in community health, I’ve seen how vital it is to go beyond band-aid solutions. Sisters Rising Worldwide provides continuity and sustainable solutions, which are essential for real, lasting change,” said Connie. 

Reflecting on her upbringing, Connie shared that a deep sense of volunteerism is “ingrained in my family’s DNA.” Her parents imparted a profound sense of empathy and responsibility towards others. She explained, “We always did something outside ourselves. It’s just how we were raised.” These early experiences and connections profoundly influenced her and instilled a lifelong commitment to service and philanthropy. 

Support for Sisters Rising Worldwide

Her dedication to advancing Sisters Rising Worldwide’s mission led Connie to become one of the first members of Sisters Rising Worldwide’s Legacy Society, committing a portion of her estate as a contribution to the organization. “When you look at where your money is going, it’s important to see the impact. SRW’s work is thorough and meaningful. They’re not just addressing immediate needs but creating systems that work long-term.” Connie feels her decision to include SRW in her will is rewarding, as she remarked, “This is a good thing for me. My support affects global issues that I otherwise feel helpless to affect, and I am helping to give Sisters across the globe the resources needed to make a difference in their own communities.” 

Sister Irene echoes this sentiment. “A legacy gift to Sisters Rising Worldwide is an important way to let your descendants know that your love for them means the whole world to you. Connie’s meaningful act of including Sisters Rising Worldwide in her will demonstrates her desire that the very world in which future generations will live is hope-filled and healing on a global scale”, said Sister Irene.

The Impact of a Legacy Gift

Connie offers compelling advice for those considering making an estate gift to SRW: “If you’re concerned about your philanthropy addressing issues at their root causes, Sisters Rising Worldwide is the place to go. They vet their programs thoroughly and focus on sustainable solutions.” Connie is also enthusiastic about SRW’s approach and partnerships with like-minded organizations like Alight. “I believe in the power of interrelationships and the practical weaving of mission and action to amplify our impact,” said Connie. 

Now residing in Missoula, Montana, Connie is semi-retired, working in a memory care program and volunteering with the local Area Agency on Aging. She also fulfills her passion for weaving—a skill she picked up in OT school. As a member of a local weavers’ guild, she finds joy and creativity in her craft, attending conferences and actively participating in her university town’s vibrant arts scene. Connie also enjoys traveling, especially to Minnesota, to see her family. “I love the mountains, bird watching, and wildflowers, all outside my back door, connecting me with Nature. 

Connie Bauer makes a lasting difference in the world through her legacy gift to Sisters Rising Worldwide and her dedication to addressing root causes. Join Connie in cementing the future of Sisters Rising Worldwide by including a legacy gift in your estate to Sisters Rising Worldwide. For more information or to notify us if you have already remembered Sisters Rising Worldwide in your will or estate, please contact Sister Irene O’Neill, CSJ.

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