Donor Spotlight

Donor Spotlight: Michael Nagy’s Journey to BIG Hope with SRW

Michael Nagy’s involvement with Sisters Rising Worldwide (SRW) began with a powerful encounter eight years ago. Frustrated by the media’s selective focus and feeling disheartened by global issues, Michael was deeply moved by Sister Irene’s presentation on SRW. “I was angry about the power held by the media in directing global attention. There was a war in Yemen that nobody knew about because the media chose not to cover it. I felt hopeless about the direction of our society,” he recalls. But Sister Irene’s vision for SRW sparked an unprecedented surge of hope in him.

“Sisters Rising Worldwide isn’t just another nonprofit; it’s a game-changer,” Michael Nagy states. “The Sisters—650,000 of them—are on the ground, living and working in communities affected by poverty and injustice. Instead of waiting for media coverage, we can directly learn what the world needs from these brave, compassionate, highly educated social justice warriors. They serve humanity selflessly. I give because it feels good. The Sisters give because it IS good.”

A Source of Hope and Transformation

As an engineer, Michael often found himself focusing on problems and visualizing negative outcomes, leading to a cynical outlook. However, he says, “I’m a completely different person when thinking and talking about Sisters Rising Worldwide. SRW gives me BIG hope and a confidence and positivity that’s hard to explain.”

Reflecting on his upbringing, Michael shared that his family, though unable to donate to nonprofits, always helped neighbors and friends. His genuine involvement in supporting nonprofits began while teaching personal finance at a homeless shelter in Chicago. “I loved the idea of a shelter adding value beyond immediate housing needs.”

After a decade in the investment industry, Michael began exclusively serving the investment needs of Catholic institutions. “Women Religious are heroes. They donate everything, living their entire lives for others, Catholic or not. They are humble to a fault. Nobody hears about their great work because they’re too busy doing it.”

Merging Vocation with Advocacy

Professionally, Michael serves Catholic institutions through Catholic Investment Services, a nonprofit that helps these institutions diversify their portfolios with an endowment approach. “I’m super lucky to have a job that allows me to meet and exchange ideas with so many intelligent and charitable people. When I’m not talking about investments, it’s Sister Irene and SRW. Sisters Rising Worldwide is the most hopeful and exciting thing happening in the world today, and I love telling people about it.”

A Commitment to Monthly Support

Michael’s dedication to SRW led him to become a monthly supporter in 2019. Since then, he has consistently made a monthly gift. “Writing one-time checks felt so finalized and transactional. We can count on these women to be there for us, and I want to give to them in a way they could count on, too,” he explains. “If I could write a check big enough for Sr. Irene to fund an endowment, that would be another story!”

Michael encourages others to become monthly donors: “Do it! A one-time gift is joyful, but a monthly gift is strategic. There’s no more efficient or effective way to direct charitable resources than giving to the nuns.”

A Vision for the Future

Michael envisions a transformative future with SRW at its core. He likens the Sisters to the white blood cells of the world, intentionally moving to areas of need to understand and solve problems. “Sisters Rising Worldwide can become the lymph nodes within that system. We need to listen to the Sisters, empower them, and thereby empower ourselves to heal as a society.”

SRW Founder & President Sister Irene O’Neill shares this vision. “The Sisters are grateful for the generosity and advocacy from supporters like Michael Nagy, who exemplifies the profound impact one individual can have in advancing the mission of Sisters Rising Worldwide,” said Sister Irene.

On a personal note, Michael is a dad, a husband, an investor, a skier, a DIYer, and a pizza chef (in that order)!

Join Michael in supporting Sisters Rising Worldwide. Your monthly gift, no matter the amount, makes a lasting impact in addressing the root causes of poverty around the world. Donate online here.

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