Program Updates, Success!

Fully Funded: Support for Orphan Boys in Guyana

Generosity is powerful.

The Problem:

Abandoned, parentless, and in desperate need of a safe place to live – those were the circumstances for these children. After suffering neglect and poverty, many of the boys who come to St. John Bosco Boys Orphanage are significantly delayed in their reading, writing, and math skills compared to their peers in the traditional school system.

The Solution:

At SJB, the boys are cared for and supported like family. They are given quality education led by skilled teachers who cater to each child’s individual needs. Any boy in need of a safe place to live aged 4-16 is welcome to the center, even if they are not abandoned or parentless.

The Impact:

Each child is given the gift of security, inner strength, and a greater sense of self-confidence. The boys learn to feel significant in their own right and gain a better understanding of how much God loves them. The Sisters of Mercy help them with evening study sessions and daily assignments, giving these boys a fighting chance at a brighter future.

This program has been fully funded, but we still need your help. Click below to start donating $5/month today.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
– Mathew 18:20

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