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Impact Update: Transforming Lives in Assam Valley

Story of Meena

Ten-year-old Meena, an orphan from the Assam Valley in northeastern India, represents the harsh reality many children in her region face. Poverty, lack of quality schools, and difficult travel conditions often force children her age to either never attend school or drop out early.

Children too poor to attend school, like Meena, are at great risk of being trafficked, forced into early marriages, or pushed into child labor. Meena was sent to work as a domestic servant in a neighboring village, where she endured severe abuse. Terrified, she ran away and was eventually found by compassionate strangers who reported her situation to Seva Kendra Silchar, an organization dedicated to providing health and education services in Assam Valley.

With the support of a Sisters Rising Worldwide grant, Seva Kendra Silchar established educational centers for children who are unable to attend school. This initiative provided Meena with the chance to receive the education she desperately needed. Enrolling in remedial classes, she became a regular at the center and a dedicated student. The personalized attention and support from her teacher helped Meena excel in her studies, leading to her admission into a lower primary school to continue her education.

Thanks to the combined efforts of Seva Kendra Silchar and Sisters Rising Worldwide, Meena is now a happy, cheerful child with a promising future ahead. Your support is making a tangible difference, creating brighter futures for children like Meena.

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