News Update

Introducing Our Impact Team: Sharing Stories of Hope and Change

At Sisters Rising Worldwide (SRW), we believe storytelling can inspire and ignite positive change. As we grow, sharing the incredible stories of those we help becomes even more critical. To achieve this, we are thrilled to introduce our dedicated Impact Team, a group of passionate individuals committed to amplifying the voices of our global community.

Meet Our Impact Team

SRW’s Sister Irene O’Neill and Kelly Young are joined by Jackie Dietz and Nancy Heck to lead the Impact Team efforts for Sisters Rising Worldwide. This group will review and update our storytelling processes so we can effectively gather, verify, and share stories from the communities we support.

Why Stories Matter

Stories are at the heart of what we do at SRW. They provide a glimpse into the lives of those we help, showcasing their struggles, triumphs, and dreams. By sharing these stories, the Impact Team aims to:

  • Raise Awareness: We highlight the challenges faced by vulnerable communities and the positive impact of our work.
  • Inspire Action: We motivate our supporters to get involved, whether through donations, sharing our mission, or advocacy.
  • Foster Connection: We build a global community united by empathy and a shared commitment to social justice.

We are excited about the possibilities ahead. Together, we can shine a light on the incredible stories of those we serve and drive meaningful change in the world.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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