News Update

Kelly’s Pickleball Marathon: There’s Still Time to Make a Difference!

Kelly’s incredible 26.2-hour Pickleball Marathon is just around the corner. Although all the playing spots are full, there’s still time for you to be part of the impact! Every dollar raised goes directly to supporting Sisters Rising Worldwide’s fight against human trafficking, and your generosity can make all the difference.

How You Can Help:

  1. Make a Donation – Your contribution, big or small, creates a lifetime of opportunities for those in need. Help us continue Kelly’s mission by donating today!
  2. Purchase Raffle Tickets – We have some amazing raffle prizes that every pickleball enthusiast will love! Each raffle bag is filled with top-tier pickleball gear and goodies. Don’t miss out on your chance to win one of these fantastic prizes while making a difference!

Visit here to learn more, donate, and grab your raffle tickets. Let’s continue the momentum and create lasting change together!

Pickleball Marathon Event Sponsors

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