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Make-a-Will Month: Leave a Lasting Legacy with Sisters Rising Worldwide

As we observe Make-a-Will Month, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the legacies we leave behind. Crafting a will is not just about distributing assets. It’s a powerful statement about what matters most to you. Therefore, this year, consider including a nonprofit in your will. This decision can create enduring positive change for generations.

At Sisters Rising Worldwide, we believe in the power of community and the impact of generosity. By including us in your will, you support our mission of empowering women globally. Your values of compassion, justice, and support for those in need will continue to thrive long after you’re gone.

Why Leave Money to Sister Rising Worldwide?

  1. Create Lasting Impact: Your contribution can sustain programs that uplift and empower communities. Every dollar can help provide education, support, and resources to Sisters, creating a better future for those most in need. 
  2. Reflect Your Values: A will is a reflection of what you hold dear. Thus, including a nonprofit like Sisters Rising Worldwide signals your commitment to improving the world, aligning your financial legacy with your lifelong values.
  3. Inspire Others: Your choice to give can inspire friends and family to consider charitable giving in their own wills. It creates a ripple effect of generosity and social responsibility.

The Benefits of Giving

For the Organization
Your bequest provides essential support for our programs and initiatives. It enables us to:

  • Expand Our Reach: With increased funding, we can extend our support to more Sisters and those they serve, providing critical resources for education, health, and economic empowerment.
  • Sustain Our Mission: Reliable funding helps us maintain and grow our programs, ensuring long-term impact and stability.
  • Innovate and Adapt: Your support allows us to explore new strategies and solutions to address emerging challenges and opportunities in our work.

For You
Including Sisters Rising Worldwide in your will isn’t just beneficial for us—it’s meaningful for you, too:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your assets will be used to make a positive impact can bring a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.
  • Tax Benefits: Charitable donations in your will can provide tax advantages, potentially reducing estate taxes for your heirs.
  • Legacy of Love: Your gift is a lasting testament to your commitment to social justice and empowerment, creating a legacy that your loved ones can be proud of.

How to Get Started

Including a nonprofit in your will is a straightforward process:

First, consult your attorney and legal advisor to discuss your intentions and ensure your wishes are clearly outlined in your will. Next, specify your gift by choosing to leave a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or even designate particular assets to Sisters Rising Worldwide. Finally, inform us—while not required, letting us know about your bequest can help us plan for the future and acknowledge your generosity appropriately.

Additionally, you will find great information from the FreeWill website.

A Future Full of Promise

By including Sisters Rising Worldwide in your will, you are planting seeds of hope and possibility. Your generosity ensures that our work to empower Sisters and strengthen communities continues to flourish, creating a brighter, more equitable world.

This Make-a-Will Month, consider the legacy you want to leave. Let it be one of compassion, empowerment, and lasting change. Together, we can build a future where every woman has the opportunity to rise and thrive.

Thank you for considering Sisters Rising Worldwide in your will. Your support today paves the way for a better tomorrow. If you have any questions or would like more information about including Sisters Rising Worldwide in your will, please contact Sister Irene O’Neill, CSJ, at

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