News Update

Medicinal Gardens Blossom in Assam, India

As part of a year-long project to improve quality of life and access to education for women and children in local villages, Sisters from Assam, India organized a one day training on nutritional and medicinal gardening to benefit their local communities. Funded by an SRW grant, the training offered insights on the value of nutritional and medicinal plants, and empowered participants to grow and maintain their own gardens.

Dr. Nirmal Das, a local Ayurvedic medicine practitioner, ran the session. Dr. Das explained how medicinal plants can be used to aid health and healing. He brought a number of plant samples and demonstrated their uses and methods of consumption for treating illnesses such as headaches, common colds, dysentery, and fever. He also explained practical methods for growing and maintaining medicinal gardens. 

Participants included teachers, university and school students, family members, members of the local SRW-sponsored Women Empowerment Centre, and other local residents. Attendees, particularly the students, actively participated throughout the session. As a bonus, Dr. Das also demonstrated some basic yoga asanas that help improve concentration and reduce stress.

After the initial program, follow-up sessions were held in more locations, and the Sisters report that over half of the initial participants have begun cultivating nutritional and medicinal gardens in their own homes. Thanks to SRW donors and the Sisters of Seva Kendra Silchar, the marginalized people of Assam are now empowered to lead healthier lives.

Stay tuned for more updates on how SRW and the Sisters are working to improve the lives of the poor in Assam, India! 

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