Program Updates, Success!

Program Empowering Disadvantaged Women Fully-Funded

Thanks to our wonderful donors, we were able to fully-fund the SRW program in Tamil Nadu, India.  The program, which will help intensify program offerings promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women in 30 villages, was seeking $7,940 in funding to help offset the costs of initiatives such as human trafficking prevention, violence against women training, and supporting women-owned small businesses.

The funds will allow St. Joseph’s Social Service Center to:

  1. Provide opportunity for additional 50 women to participate in 20 additional programs that promote gender equality
  2. Speak out through rallies and signature campaigns against the injustices done to women through women-chosen issues
  3. Form community based organizations that loan money among themselves to create, expand and sustain small businesses for 100 women

“Our mission is to empower the poor and the marginalized with a view to restoring to them their human dignity,” said Sister Lucia Sebastian. “The Self Help Groups provide a platform for the poor women to understand their situation, support one another and to collectively take action to better their life situation and reclaim their human dignity.”

Although India is making strategic gains, the poor and especially women are left behind and statistics show the utter poverty in the Madurai District of Tamil India.

Click here to make a donation to SRW and help Sister-led programs like this reach their goals.

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