Job Training
$15,000 Goal
Summary of the Situation
Nigeria’s youth unemployment rate is high. This program will assist in restarting the Skill Acquisition program run by Sr. Mary Ruphina, IHM. Due to the political and economic crisis in Nigeria, young people do not have employment or are unable to start their own businesses. This program will go a long way toward seeing that the Center is up and running and will assist a few young people in starting their businesses.
How will the funds be used?
Funding will be used to build and equip a more efficient soap industry, including purchasing bigger machines for mixing the soda, molding, and cutting the soap into desirable sizes so we can train more youth.
The Sisters’s Response
This program would assist young people in acquiring skills to empower them to own their own businesses and employ other young people.
Systemic Impact
Nigeria’s youth unemployment rate is high. This program will assist in restarting the Skill Acquisition program run by Sr. Mary Ruphina, IHM. Due to Nigeria’s political and economic crisis, young people do not have employment or cannot start businesses. This program will go a long way to ensure that the Center is up and running and will assist young people in starting their businesses. The proceeds will also go to maintaining children’s and elderly homes, making these homes sustainable.