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#95 – Summer Camp for Ukraine Children

Summary of the Situation

Russia has been attacking Ukraine for over a year now changing the lives of Ukrainians forever.  The children are living in constant fear of regular rocket attacks.   The children are also tired and nervous about their loved ones becoming soldiers causing physical and mental health issues and there is no end in sight.

The Sisters’ Response

The School Sisters of Notre Dame is supporting a three-week camp for 6-10-year-olds.  The camp creates an environment where children are treated with great dignity and respect. It is a safe place to grieve losses and build up the resilience to move forward. For children, it is vital they experience peace in the midst of war in order to learn that peace can be created together.  The camp will provide positive emotions, meet new friends and leave the war behind for 3 weeks

How will the funds be used?

Accommodations, food, transportation, and supplies.

Systemic Impact

These 3 weeks will provide opportunities for the care of mental health issues, and physical issues caused by the war giving them strength when they return to their war zone homes.

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