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CRISIS ALERT – Flooding devastates communities successfully educating youth.

Summary of the Situation

In early June, extreme flooding caused by torrential rains resulted in devastation in already struggling areas of Haiti, particularly the city of Leogane. The New York Times reported that 42 people were killed and the lives of over 37,000 people already living in extreme poverty, were affected. Sister Alta Emile reached out to Sisters Rising Worldwide for assistance for the people of Leogane, especially for immediate help for the students, staff members, and families of Annunciation School, St.Rose of Lima School, Notre Dame Guardian Angel School, Jardin Fleury, and College Coeur de Marie.

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How will the funds be used?

Provide humanitarian needs: they require basic and culturally appropriate goods and supplies to maintain their health, privacy, and dignity, to meet their personal hygiene needs, to prepare and eat food, and to achieve necessary levels of thermal comfort.

Once the people are safe they will restore the classrooms and replace supplies the teachers and students need.

The Sisters’s Response

Identify the needs of the people in their community and start rebuilding their homes and replacing essentials. Once the community is safe they will build the pathway to get the school up and running again.

Systemic Impact

Education is the pathway to breaking the cycle of poverty for those in Haiti.  We need to provide the essentials to these students and faculty so the schools can reopen to rise them out of poverty

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