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Provide Technology to Enhance Sisters’ Work through Connections and Awareness

Building the technology platform the Sisters will use to connect, share experiences and best practices, and request assistance.

The Sisters’ Response

Sisters Rising Worldwide is building a social network platform connecting the 700,000+ Sisters in 190 countries and countless communities. The platform will allow Sisters to share ideas about effective strategies and understandings of root causes of injustice to increase their outreach.

The platform will enable Sisters to focus on systemic solutions and invest in sustainability and self-reliance. At long last they can share best practices, seek resources, post crises as they happen, i.e., outbreaks of infectious disease before it becomes endemic or women and children at immediate risk of being trafficked. Sisters Rising Worldwide remains a project partner for the Sisters from finding resources to reporting impact back to donors. The universe of Sisters will multiply their effectiveness exponentially as women, children and their communities begin to flourish.

Funds Needed: $350,000

How funds will be used:
Phase one is the wireframe design (a wireframe is the layout of a web page that demonstrates what interface elements will exist on key pages). Phase one is complete! The wireframe was pulled together and paid for by generous, capable experts and donors inspired by the vision of Sisters Rising Worldwide.

Phase two is the writing of the technical architecture and business strategy. We have been blessed by interested, capable people who are donating one-half of what it will take to complete this phase. This second phase is scheduled to be completed mid-March.

Phase three is the actual building of the platform. This Phase will need the generosity of people inspired by the SRW Vision and Sisters’ work. We need financial help here. Because this platform will become globally known, SRW is offering naming rights for the platform itself for someone who is able to make a gift of $700,000.

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