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3 / 12 Red Rama – Helping Sisters Bring Awareness to Combat Human Trafficking

Support for the work Sisters are doing to contribute to the awareness and prevention of human trafficking

The Situation

In El Salvador, children and adolescents are caught for commercial sexual exploitation, from the rural areas to the capital, ports and cities such as San Miguel and San Salvador. Salvadorans are enslaved for labor and sexual exploitation. Some end up in the United States, Canada, Mexico and other countries in Central America. Domestic violence is a problem that causes migration. Trafficking is also linked to migration. About 50% of El Salvador’s population lives below the poverty line. 

Sister’s Response

Sisters from 6 different congregations currently work in the RED RAMA network operating in Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica and headquartered in El Salvador. 

The fundamental work is to contribute to the awareness and prevention of this crime through talks, workshops and public activities. Sisters also participate with other institutions to advocate and contribute to the creation of public policies to combat this crime and address the victims.

Funds Needed: $17,400

How funds will be used:
This is a two year budget for:

  • Preparation and reproduction of materials
  • Transportation for workshops and meetings
  • Travel expenses (for speakers, etc.)
  • Forums, reflection days, other events
  • National and international communications
  • Costs to send 20 Sisters to RED RAMA’s Central American Annual Meeting

Systemic Impact

Contribute to the visibility and prevention of trafficking in persons, especially girls, boys and women, through information and awareness. Defend, care for and protect human rights and the lives of people exposed to this scourge, often invisible, that affects Central American society.

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