Author Archives for admin

Sisters Rising Worldwide donor Don Hall and his wife Marion

Don Hall and Marion Hall: Celebrating Their Generous Support

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How did you become involved with Sisters Rising Worldwide? “I met Sister Irene O’Neill about eight years ago,” said Don Hall. “I used to work at Control Data Corporation with Norbert Berg – he hired me there – and Norb was a friend of Sister Irene’s. Norb said he wanted me to meet Sister Irene […]

Sisters Rising Worldwide Impact Team Meeting

Introducing Our Impact Team: Sharing Stories of Hope and Change

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At Sisters Rising Worldwide (SRW), we believe storytelling can inspire and ignite positive change. As we grow, sharing the incredible stories of those we help becomes even more critical. To achieve this, we are thrilled to introduce our dedicated Impact Team, a group of passionate individuals committed to amplifying the voices of our global community. […]

Safe education to break poverty

The Sisters’ Role in Education to Break the Cycle of Poverty

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Education is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform lives and break the cycle of poverty. Many of the Sisters’ projects and initiatives underscore this transformative power, providing hope and opportunities to those in need. Here, we explore some of these programs and their impact on individuals and communities. 1. The Empowerment of […]

Children coloring at the shelter.

Fully Funded: Supplies and Support for Border Shelter

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Help and hope have a lot in common. The Problem: Families seeking asylum in the United States often complete the journey with very few resources. The Posada del Imigrantes Shelter in Mexicali is a two-story 34-room former motel that is currently housing up to 188 people desperate to escape the violence and poverty of their […]

Boys at the orphanage

Fully Funded: Support for Orphan Boys in Guyana

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Generosity is powerful. The Problem: Abandoned, parentless, and in desperate need of a safe place to live – those were the circumstances for these children. After suffering neglect and poverty, many of the boys who come to St. John Bosco Boys Orphanage are significantly delayed in their reading, writing, and math skills compared to their […]

Volunteers of Aguilas del Desierto

Fully Funded: Off-Road Vehicles to Rescue Lost Migrants

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Thanks to our generous donors, lost migrants near the US/Mexico border now have a fighting chance at survival. The Cause: Aguilas del Desierto is a program that saves migrants who are lost or abandoned on the U.S. side of the Mexican border and offers a hotline for families to call when searching for loved ones […]

Sister Sherly with patients from First Line Treatment Center in Assam, India

Give a Little, Help a Lot: COVID-19 Relief in Assam, India

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A little generosity goes a long way… The Problem: Hospitals in Srikona, Assam, operate on very small budgets. They are able to provide medication for patients being treated for COVID-19, but these facilities do not provide food. Frequent natural disasters also make it difficult to give or receive adequate care in this region.  The Solution: […]

Program Participants in Odisha, India.

Fully Funded: Sisters’ Program to Empower Women to Overcome Poverty With Trade Skill

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Your donations helped empower women to overcome poverty through trade skill training. Higher education is a distant dream for migrated children living in the slums of Odisha, India. Young women in the Odisha slums are often deprived of learning and earning opportunities making them extremely vulnerable to human trafficking, severe poverty, and gender discrimination. Many […]