Sisters' Programs Put Smiles On The Most Vulnerable

Please choose from one of our Programs to view details.

Kenya Education +1

#106 - Boarding Scholarship for Girls

Educating the girls that are most often pushed aside to educate the boys in the family, making the girls vulnerable to traffickers

Sr. Althea Johns GOAL: $6,000
Sr. Althea Johns
Gambia Education +1

#98 - Renovation of Saint Albert's nursery school and sponsorship for 10 vulnerable poor children.

Breaking the chain of poverty for those familes that cannot afford to send their kids to school

Sr. Jacqueline Bianquinch GOAL: $15,000
Sr.  Jacqueline Bianquinch
Nigeria Education +2

#88 - Educating Children for Peace in war-torn Nigeria

Educating kids that live in a cycle of violence with tribal conflict so they build trust and positive cross tribal relationships

Sr. Mary Kay Brooks GOAL: $100,000
Sr. Mary Kay Brooks
India Empowering Women +2

#107 - Phase 1: A Multi-Level Approach to Protect Vulnerable Women

Sister Sherly is replicating a successful program in a new community where she will rise the most vulnerable out of poverty

Sister Sherly Thomas GOAL: $7500
Sister Sherly Thomas
Austria War Victims

#95 - Summer Camp for Ukraine Children

A three-week camp to give kids a break from the war where they can heal and gain strength

Mary Kay Brooks GOAL: $20,000
Mary Kay Brooks
Philippines Education

#87 - Mobile Book Reading

A mobile book program that is making books accessible to vulnerable and disadvantaged children allowing them to find joy in reading and offering them a positive influence on education.

Sr. Eloisa Holdiem GOAL: $7650
Sr. Eloisa Holdiem
United States Immigration

#39 - Awareness and Prevention Campaign

Sharing knowledge of the dangers of migrating to those from South America in hopes to prevent them from taking the journey.

Sr Maria Louise Edwards Goal: $20,000
Sr Maria Louise Edwards
South Sudan Education

#72 - Ten scholarships for ten women

Addressing systemic issues of gender inequality and discrimination as well as literacy in South Sudan

Sr. Joan Mumaw GOAL: $10,000
Sr. Joan Mumaw
Malawi Empowering Women

#74 - Bringing Hope Through Light to Nsanje, Malawi

A lack of electricity is creating an endless cycle of poverty. Sisters partner with WATTS OF LOVE to change the situation.

Elizabeth Namuthuwa GOAL: $50,000
Elizabeth Namuthuwa
United States Domestic Violence +3

#75 - A Home for Women Survivors Seeking Safety, Dignity, and Healing

A safe place for women who have survived violence, abuse, torture, war, discrimination, and trauma.

Sr. Kathy Ryan GOAL: $30,000
Sr. Kathy Ryan
Tanzania Health

#73 - Improve rural healthcare in Tanzania

A clinic already saving lives, looking for critical equipment to address women in labor

Marietta Paliakkara GOAL: $20,000
Marietta Paliakkara
Jordan Empowering Women +1

#67 - Helping Women Refugees in Jordan Rebuild Their Lives

Sisters seek solutions to create and maintain better opportunities for a dignified life for refugees.

Sr Mirjam Goeksun GOAL: $6500
Sr Mirjam Goeksun