Sisters' Programs Put Smiles On The Most Vulnerable

Please choose from one of our Programs to view details.

Uganda Education +1

#118 - Increasing Vocational Training to Alleviate Poverty

Teaching life changing skills earlier to meet sustainable development goals in poor communities

Sr. Namukasa Theopista GOAL: $35,000
Sr. Namukasa Theopista
India Education +2

#109 - New Science Lab for St Joseph School in Sankarakhol

Government is not mandated the school create a scince lab in the school that satarted in 2011 after the anti-christian violence of 2008

Sr. Liby George GOAL: $4,000
Sr. Liby George
United States Human Trafficking

#108 - Economic Empowerment for Human Trafficking Survivors

Survivors need a safe place and economic empowerment to increase their chanses of success in their new life.

Sr. Maureen McGowan GOAL: $20000
Sr. Maureen McGowan
India Education +3

#111 - Phase 2: A Multi-Level Approach to Protect Vulnerable Women

Providing job skills training to the most vulenrable to traffickers and helping them start their business

Sr. Sherly Thomas GOAL: $18,500
Sr. Sherly Thomas
Haiti Health

CRISIS ALERT - Flooding devastates communities successfully educating youth.

Those living in extreme poverty are struggling with deadly flooding and need support to rebuild their community

Sr. Sue Torgersen GOAL: $35,000
Sr. Sue Torgersen
Nigeria Education +1

#59 - Building Classrooms To Serve More Vulnerable Children

Offering education to vulnerable young boys and girls who have no opportunity for education due to their parents financial need

Sr. Loretto Maria Okoro GOAL: $54,000
Sr. Loretto Maria Okoro
Australia Human Trafficking

#92 - Training High School Student to Fight Human Trafficking

Bringing students together from different locations that are hubs for trafficking to learn from each other and spread awarness

Sr. Colleen Jackson GOAL: $6,000
Sr. Colleen Jackson
Kenya Education +1

#106 - Boarding Scholarship for Girls

Educating the girls that are most often pushed aside to educate the boys in the family, making the girls vulnerable to traffickers

Sr. Althea Johns GOAL: $6,000
Sr. Althea Johns
Gambia Education +1

#98 - Renovation of Saint Albert's nursery school and sponsorship for 10 vulnerable poor children.

Breaking the chain of poverty for those familes that cannot afford to send their kids to school

Sr. Jacqueline Bianquinch GOAL: $15,000
Sr.  Jacqueline Bianquinch
Nigeria Education +2

#88 - Educating Children for Peace in war-torn Nigeria

Educating kids that live in a cycle of violence with tribal conflict so they build trust and positive cross tribal relationships

Sr. Mary Kay Brooks GOAL: $100,000
Sr. Mary Kay Brooks
India Empowering Women +2

#107 - Phase 1: A Multi-Level Approach to Protect Vulnerable Women

Sister Sherly is replicating a successful program in a new community where she will rise the most vulnerable out of poverty

Sister Sherly Thomas GOAL: $7500
Sister Sherly Thomas
Austria War Victims

#95 - Summer Camp for Ukraine Children

A three-week camp to give kids a break from the war where they can heal and gain strength

Mary Kay Brooks GOAL: $20,000
Mary Kay Brooks