Sisters' Programs Put Smiles On The Most Vulnerable

Please choose from one of our Programs to view details.

India Education

#31 - Creating Alternative Teaching Environment in Assam Valley

Engage non-school attending and dropout students and prepare them to be re-enrolled in regular school.

Sr. Sherly Thomas GOAL: $24,109
Sr. Sherly Thomas
Senegal Education +1

#33 - Provide Safe Environment Where Girls Can Study and Prepare for the Future

Rebuild the wall which is a security for the girls of the hostel, and equip their study room with resources and tools.

Sr. Jackie GOAL: $17,270
Peru Education

Intensifying School Support for Struggling Youth in Peru--School Year 2022

Provide psychological support for students struggling at a school in the slums of Peru

Sally Harper GOAL: $10,000
United States Education

#27 - Divert Immigrant Teens from Joining Gangs

Train leaders to organize effective programming and help immigrant youth navigate acculturation into the U.S.

Sr. Rosario Bobadilla GOAL: $5,000
Sr. Rosario Bobadilla
Mexico Education +1

Help Sisters Transform a Shelter for Families in Tijuana

Transforming a shelter in Tijuana where families can feel safe and find joy, a place meeting all of their needs that they can call home.

Sister Albertina GOAL: $4,927
India Education +1

Odisha - Providing Supplies and Scholarships for Ravaged Community (K-12) year 1

A school that serves children of all castes, religions, and colors, creating harmony where there once was violence

Liby George GOAL: $56,560
India Education +3

23: Odisha -Empowering Women through Skill Training

Empowering women through skill training to stand on their own feet and to live a dignified life.

Sr. Remya Thomas GOAL: $9,759
Sr. Remya Thomas
Nigeria Education +2

22. Help Nigerian Youth Feed Their Country through Vertical Gardens

Helping Nigerian youth provide food for Nigerian people by learning how vertical farming.

Brazil Empowering Women

14. Reducing Extreme Poverty and Social Inequalities by Empowering Women

Women become agents of influence in their community through workshops and a work cooperative

Philippines Job Training

16/17 MCARE - Helping Rural Farmers Learn Sustainable Farming to be Independent

Finish building center that provides farmers needed training and workshops to learn organic and sustainable farming

United States Empowering Women

Provide Technology to Enhance Sisters' Work through Connections and Awareness

Build the technology platform Sisters use to connect, share experiences and best practices, and request assistance.

United States Human Trafficking

Dawn's Place -Bringing Shelter and Life Skills to Survivors of Human Trafficking

Intensive aftercare assists survivors of human trafficking to succeed by helping them heal and re-enter society