Please choose from one of our Programs to view details.
Help provide services for impoverished people with disabilities, especially when government funds are not available
Women better their lives through programs that promote gender equality and women's empowerment
Provide professional social work support for survivors of domestic violence and work to prevent abuse from happening
Prevent human trafficking in a rural area by investing in a residential school, coaching center, and Women's Association
Van needed to prevent human trafficking of high school students participating in internships
Provide psychological support for students struggling at a school in the slums of Peru
Together we can build a school where gender equality and quality education provide opportunity in Bangladesh
Provide solar powered laptops and sewing machines for students in a school in war-torn area
Provide nomadic people of the Kattunaickar Tribe with the skills needed to mainstream into society
Provide computers and classroom supplies for life skills learning center
Provide four scholarships for women will increase the number of women trained to be nurses and registered midwives
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